Charter Township of Pavilion
Township Hall Address: 7510 East Q Ave., Scotts, MI 49088
Phone: 269-327-0462 Fax: 269-327-0098
Normal Hours: 9:00 to 4:30 Mon.-Fri.
Established 1836
All residents of Pavilion Township may use the Galesburg Memorial Library at no charge. Climax Public Library (Lawrence Memorial), offers a free library card and services to Pavilion Township residents.
Residents in the Portage School District pay a millage to the Portage Library District therefore they can use the Portage Library at no charge. All others must pay a non-resident fee.
Residents may also pay a non- resident fee to use the Vicksburg or Comstock Libraries. Interested parties should contact those libraries directly for fee information, etc.
Galesburg Memorial Library
188 E. Michigan
Galesburg, MI 49053
Phone: 269-665-7839
Portage Public Library
300 Library Lane
Portage, MI 49002
Phone: 269-329-4544
Vicksburg District Library
215 S. Michigan
Vicksburg, MI 49097
Phone: 269-649-1648
Comstock Library
6130 King Highway
Comstock, MI 49053
Phone: 269-345-0136
(Located in the same building
As the Township Offices)
Climax Public Library
(Lawrence Memorial Library)
107 North Main St.
Climax, MI 49034
Phone: 269-746-4125
(Computers, Fax, Tutoring Services)